Christian Church serving Jesus and others.
In person Class 101 9:30 am - 10:30 am every Sunday in the Community Hall bottom half of the church building
In person Sundays at 11:00 for Worship with the whole family upstairs of the church building and with a Facebook Live option
In person Class 202, Tuesday at 5:30 PM at the bottom half of the Church Building
Last Sunday of the month Youth Group 1:00 PM with food @Canaan School Gym
300 Gale St. Canaan, VT
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 217
Canaan, VT 05903
We are a community organization that helps with:
*Class 101 Every Sunday from 9:30 am - 10:30 am at the community hall bottom half of the church building
*Class 202 every Tuesday starting at 5: 30 pm at the bottom half of the church building
*"5 Min with Frankie" everyday on Facebook except for Sat. and Sunday: The Grace Community Church Canaan VT 6:30 am - 6:35 am
*Last Sunday of the month Youth Group 1:00 pm with food @ Canaan Schools Gym
*2nd Thursday night @6:30 PM "The Well" singing and encouraging to stay faithful
*Bring food in for NEKCA to help others in the community (peanut butter, beans, canned meats, canned fruit, canned veggies, and/or IGA gift cards and toiletries